The Problem with Herd Mentality

herd immunity

From the pandemic to the election, this past year has seen our country go wild in taking sides to fight those with different belief systems. But who exactly are these others, these faceless ‘they’ that are supposedly driven to undermine everything one stands for? The answer has to do with herd mentality, which has become…

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How to Disinfect Your Thoughts, with Dr. Josh Axe

Different types of stress and emotions have measurable effects on different systems in the body. Therefore it’s crucial to pay attention to your thoughts in order to keep them from wreaking havoc on your health. In this fourth and final episode in a series with “Ancient Remedies” author Dr. Josh Axe, he and the Amens…

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Is Too Much Sanitization a Bad Thing? With Dr. Josh Axe

As the depleted stock of hand sanitizers has shown us, sanitization is at the top of everyone’s minds during this pandemic. But is it possible that we’re sanitizing too much? Can over-sanitization actually be harmful to our health? The answers may surprise you. In this third episode in a series with Ancient Nutrition founder Dr.…

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Can Mushrooms Supercharge Immunity? with Dr. Josh Axe

In Dr. Josh Axe’s upcoming book “Ancient Remedies”, he takes an in-depth look at many of the time-tested foods and nutrients that have been used in traditional healing. One of these groups of food, mushrooms, has recently cycled back into the public consciousness in a huge way. In this episode of the podcast, Dr. Daniel…

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Why the Coronavirus is Hitting Americans So Hard

As the new year begins and a new surge of coronavirus stokes the flames of fear in our country, we may be compelled to ask why it is that the COVID numbers appear to be so high in comparison to some other countries. In this episode of The Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast, Dr. Daniel and…

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The Science Behind Omega 3 Fatty Acids, with Dr. Parris Kidd

In the fourth and final episode in a series with BrainMD Chief Science Officer Dr. Parris Kidd, he and Dr. Daniel Amen give you a comprehensive guide to Omega 3 fatty acids, including what they do in the body, the difference between the DPA and EHA types, whether algae-based mixtures are sufficient, why 98% of…

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Does COVID-19 Leave Lingering Effects In The Brain?

For this episode of The Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast, it’s Brain in the News time! Dr. Daniel and Tana Amen take a look at some of the cutting edge brain health topics in order to help keep you informed of the latest in brain science and research. This week’s episode features topics such as COVID’s…

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