Posts Tagged ‘audio’
Can Music to Help to Relieve Anxious Feelings?
Barry Goldstein is known for using specific tempos, keys, and frequencies in his music for healing purposes. In the final episode of a series on music and the brain, Dr. Daniel Amen and Barry go over the specific elements in music that can elicit specific responses in your brain and body. Their brand-new album, Feel…
Read MoreHow Music Playlists Can Enhance Your Emotions & Memory
In this episode, Dr. Daniel Amen is joined by Barry Goldstein, the composer of the new audio program, Feel Better Fast and Make It Last. Daniel and Barry discuss the amazingly practical uses that musical playlists have for self-targeting emotional responses and improving the amount of detail in long-term memory. They also give tips for…
Read MoreThe Health Benefits of Music
Music producer Barry Goldstein is not only a talented composer, but he’s also well-versed in the scientific benefits of music. In this episode of The Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast, Barry and Dr. Daniel Amen discuss the health benefits that can be gained by learning to play an instrument, especially for children. Their new album, the…
Read MoreThe Science Of How Our Bodies Respond To Music
In this episode, Dr. Daniel Amen is joined by music producer Barry Goldstein for a discussion on the role music can play in brain health. Barry describes how his journey in the music industry led a surprising revelation, and how this discovery radically transformed his approach to musical compositions, such as those featured in the…
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