How To Use Your Unique Value To Bring Money & Success, with Lisa Sasevich

When people struggle with finding their way to move up in the world, in most cases it’s because they’re using the wrong ladders. The key to finding success, according to author and coach Lisa Sasevich, is to first discover your unique value, and then to own it. In this episode of the podcast, Lisa and the Amens discuss why finding your unique niche is such a crucial step in getting ahead, and how you can take steps to find yours.
Dr Daniel Amen:
Welcome to The Brain Warrior's Way Podcast. I'm Dr. Daniel Amen.
Tana Amen:
And I'm Tana Amen. In our podcast, we provide you with the tools you need to become a warrior for the health of your brain and body.
Dr Daniel Amen:
The Brain Warrior's Way Podcast is brought to you by Amen Clinics, where we have been transforming lives for 30 years using tools like brain SPECT imaging to personalize treatment to your brain. For more information, visit
Tana Amen:
The Brain Warrior's Way Podcast is also brought to you by BrainMD, where we produce the highest quality nutraceuticals to support the health of your brain and body. To learn more, go to
Tana Amen:
Welcome back. We are still here with Lisa Sasevich, my personal business mentor. But I want to say more than my personal business mentor. It was actually Lisa who helped me find my purpose, even when I was struggling with being told that I needed to break away and become my own brand and do my own thing. But I didn't want to. I wanted to be at home, and I wanted to work with you. And do you remember that? I was really struggling with this dilemma, and she helped me figure out that, "Well, then don't do what other people say. Do what it is that's in your heart."
Tana Amen:
And I went and saw her, and I figured out, "No, I want to work with my husband. I want to work at home. I want to be this family person and still have it all." And so you have to tap into what's really important to you in order to make it all work if you want it all. So, in this episode, episode three, we're going to talk about how to get what you've always wanted. And that's what you helped me do, is to figure out what I've always wanted, not what other people were telling me that I always wanted, right?
Lisa Sasevich:
Tana Amen:
So welcome back, Lisa.
Lisa Sasevich:
Thank you.
Tana Amen:
So, how do they get what they've always wanted?
Lisa Sasevich:
There's a few keys for this, and we cover them all in our Meant for More book. But let me give like two places to start. One is that I remember little over 10 years ago when I had my 40th birthday and I had made a big difference for a lot of people, I'd helped a lot of people with my unique value. We've been talking a lot about unique value in the last couple of episodes. And there was this place inside me that was, admittedly, the best way I can describe it is waiting to be discovered. It was like expecting that someone was going to knock on my door and say, "Lisa, you've helped so many people, and you helped all these corporations when you worked in corporate. And you speak well." And that someone was going to knock on the door and say, "Do you want to write a book or do you want your own TV show or do you want to be featured here or there?"
Lisa Sasevich:
And I think maybe it was my 40th birthday, and in and of itself, those milestone birthdays always have a way of lifting us. But I remember coming to the realization at that time that no one was going to do that. And it was important because it was that day. Oh, I have a prop. Wait. I just happen to have this from something else I did. Okay, here it is. It was that day that I crowned myself. I crowned myself that day.
Lisa Sasevich:
Now in my case, I was helping a lot of people to make their offer irresistible, and so I crowned myself the queen of sales conversion.
Tana Amen:
Oh, that's great.
Lisa Sasevich:
That was really what I was helping people do. And the fascinating thing happened once I crowned myself. First of all, I started living into it more. Over the next 10 years, I got better and better at my craft. And, second of all, people related to me that way, and no one, no one, ever questioned it.
Tana Amen:
Oh, that's so funny.
Lisa Sasevich:
I mean, no one ever came to my door and said, "Can I see your statistics? Are you really the queen? How do we know you're the queen? What's your lineage?"
Tana Amen:
That's so funny.
Lisa Sasevich:
I enjoyed that. So one of the ways to get what you want is to discover your unique value, like we talked about in the last two episodes, all the tips we gave. You want to start paying attention to that. And when it starts to surface, to own it, to claim it, to be willing to be purposeful. You'll live longer, as Daniel and Tana share, and to own it. It's not arrogant. I think that's one of the things that stops us, especially women. We don't want to seem arrogant. We don't want to seem self-promoting. Daniel and I talked about this a little offline. It's not arrogant to own what you know and to own your unique value. In fact, I believe it's selfish not to.
Lisa Sasevich:
How selfish would it be if Daniel did not share his better way with the world?
Tana Amen:
Lisa Sasevich:
Right? How many people would never be helped if we don't claim it, if we don't own it, if we don't sing it from the rooftops. No one's going to.
Tana Amen:
So claim your throne like you did.
Lisa Sasevich:
Exactly. We call it "assume the throne."
Tana Amen:
Lisa Sasevich:
Thank you. So that's one of the ways to get what you want, is to start uncovering, discovering your unique value and as you see it, own it, claim it. I am the queen of sales conversion. It's my thing. And, because of that, I've been able to help thousands of people get out there, and they help other people with their unique value now.
Dr Daniel Amen:
Well, and I think for you, you are one of our Brain Warrior generals. You are the leader, and you lead thousands of people into just a completely better way of life. And I think I would add to that it's what are the stories of transformation that you have helped lead. And so Tana has great stories, I have great stories, you have great stories. Do you have one that our listeners could hear?
Tana Amen:
Besides mine?
Lisa Sasevich:
Absolutely. Absolutely. A client came to mind who over a course of over 20 years, she had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Over a 20 year period, she learned. She's not a medical professional. She learned how to live symptom free from MS. And she never shared it with other people. She did it for herself. And then when we met in a format just like this, she heard me speaking, she started thinking about her unique value. She started thinking about what we talked about in our last episode about where people always wanted to pick her brain. This was one of those areas. It did become easy for her when it was hard for others, so she started to explore it. She started to do what we call "organize her knowledge." She started to take what she knew and put it into steps. "How could I, if I was going to help somebody else and do what I did, how could I do that? What would be the steps?"
Lisa Sasevich:
She started to do the work on our campus. This is one of the things we help people do. And, sure enough, she started to go out to the world, assumed the throne of helping people live disease free. How can they live a symptom-free life? And now not only has she retired from the work she used to do, but her husband did as well. And they have turned that, actually, into a thriving business helping people all over the world to do what she's discovered and live disease free themselves. That's become her purpose.
Lisa Sasevich:
And, as I shared in an earlier episode, we all go to a lot of schools. There's the formal school that we consider school, the formal training, right? But we have other schools that she's a great example of, and so are all of us. We have the school of hard knocks, right? Those things that got dealt to us that we weren't planning, like MS, right? We have the schools just being out in life. We have the spiritual schools that we each go to, right? So all of that comes together, and that is part of being able to get what you want, right? It's claiming your unique value and then helping others get what they want. It's a loop. Yeah.
Tana Amen:
Yeah. I like that.
Lisa Sasevich:
Dr Daniel Amen:
There's a Chinese saying that if you want to be happy for an hour, take a nap. If you want to be happy for a day, go fishing. If you want to be happy for a year, inherit a fortune. Or if you want to be happy for a lifetime, help someone else. And that's what you do. And so finding your purpose is so important, and then being able to monetize it. Because whenever I do the One-Page Miracle with people, it's an exercise I talk about a lot. Know what you want in your relationships, your work, your money, your physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Know what you want, and ask yourself every day, does your behavior get you what you want? And money is so important, but people don't talk about it. And, ultimately, it's a brain function, but actually having a strategy to-
Tana Amen:
Got to have a strategy.
Dr Daniel Amen:
... optimize your financial resources doing what you love, because I've always felt like I had the perfect business. Because, yes, we have to make money, because if there's no margin, there's no mission. But the money's not the point. The point is the purpose.
Tana Amen:
And if I could really quickly, Lisa, just tell you one of the reasons why it was so special to me when we did our work together. So I had this book coming out, and it became a New York Times Best Seller. And, yeah, that was really important. But to have a book that does a sprint isn't important. It's the marathon, right? So it wasn't just the book. You really helped me with my messaging when we went on public television. I've never been on television doing that sort of a thing. The messaging was really helpful for me for that. But then it went further. My very first time planning like a live event. I had seen you. I'm like, if I'm going to do an event, I want to be able to do it like you did one.
Tana Amen:
Now, of course, that takes time. But for someone planning their first live event, I never realized how hard it is to get butts in seats. It is hard to get people to show up for three full days, right? It's not easy to do. And I had no idea some of the strategies that really help make that successful, and I succeeded. It was really successful. But what was so cool about all of that when I stop and I look back, I mean, there was so much that went into that. The webinar, the event, the PBS show. All of that. When I stop and look back, we still have those people writing to us about their success stories, how it transformed their lives.
Lisa Sasevich:
Tana Amen:
The transformation, and I get chills because their families then get transformed. If you're not successful with your work, it doesn't trickle down. The ripple effect doesn't happen, and so it was just a cool thing.
Dr Daniel Amen:
So it's not selfish to do it. It's actually selfish not to do it.
Tana Amen:
Right. To live your purpose.
Dr Daniel Amen:
To be controlled by your-
Tana Amen:
And that's so fulfilling.
Dr Daniel Amen:
... anxiety. All right. When we come back.
Lisa Sasevich:
I was going to say we toiled over the tagline for Meant for More, and there's a little glare, but the tagline is, "The proven formula to turn your knowledge into profits." And if I could add a line, it would be, "And make a difference in the world." Because, for me, the profits, the dollars, those to me represent units of transformation.
Tana Amen:
Lisa Sasevich:
Human beings.
Tana Amen:
I like that.
Lisa Sasevich:
When you're purpose driven, the money equals you making a difference.
Tana Amen:
Lisa Sasevich:
So that's really how a book like this ended up with a real personal development publisher like Hay House, is that they understand that as well.
Tana Amen:
Lisa Sasevich:
So you guys can all get started on the path. We have a free gift if you didn't catch it in one of the earlier episodes. You go to, and what I'm super passionate about you having is a way to discover your unique value, because that's phase one. You have to discover your unique value. We have a mini-course you can go through to start seeing, "What was I personally made for?" And, "How can I express that in the world?" And then we can get into phase two, where maybe you want to turn that into profits.
Tana Amen:
Lisa Sasevich:
Maybe you don't. Either way, it's important that you know your unique value.
Tana Amen:
Dr Daniel Amen:
Stay with us. We'll be right back.
Tana Amen:
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Dr Daniel Amen:
If you're considering coming to Amen Clinics or trying some of the Brain Healthy supplements from BrainMD, you can use the code PODCAST10 to get a 10% discount on a full evaluation at or a 10% discount on all supplements at For more information, give us a call at (855) 978-1363.